17-19 Jun 2020 Campus La Doua, Amphi Jordan, Lyon (France)


Stochastic weather generators are statistical models, also called emulators or stochastic simulators. Such algorithms by simulating ensemble fields and/or times series aim at reproducing probability distribution features of some targeted weather and climate variables. Stochastic weather generators are critical components of many studies requiring weather inputs. For example, agricultural and hydrologic risk studies, stochastic climate model downscaling, renewable energy volatility and feasibility studies or infrastructure planning studies. SWGEN 2020 will bring together a wide range of researchers from statistics, applied mathematics, hydrology, atmospheric science, climate and energy science to discuss and disseminate state-of-the-art methods and recent applications of stochastic weather generators. Topics of interest for statisticians within this field include:

- Space-time models
- Nonstationary models
- Extremes
- Big spatial or spatiotemporal weather data analysis and modeling
- Multivariate processes
- Non-Gaussian processes
- High frequency data
- State-space models
- Multiscale models
- Nonlinear processes

with applications in

- Climate model downscaling
- Renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.)
- Hydrology
- Agriculture and crop studies
- Air quality
- Insurance
- Environmental engineering
- Ecology

Important Deadlines
- Abstract submission for poster or oral presentaion : April 30
- Registration will open soon

This conference is the fifth iteration of SWGEN, previous ones having taken place in Roscoff, France (2012), Avignon, France (2014), Vannes, France (2016) and Boulder, Colorado (2018). The organizing committee consists of:
- Pierre Ailliot, University of Brest, France
- Denis Allard, INRA, Avignon, France
- Will Kleiber, University of Colorado Boulder
- Valérie Monbet, University of Rennes 1, France
- Philippe Naveau, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement
- Pierre Ribereau, University of Lyon 1, France
- Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Gwladys Toulemonde, University of Montpellier, France

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